Who I Am

I am Andrea – wordsmith, yogi, and extroverted introvert.
After working for almost 15 years as a print journalist for publications such as The National and Gulf News and as a senior copywriter at a top exhibitions agency in Dubai, I decided to go it alone as a freelance writer.
I now combine my love of writing with my love of social businesses and topics close to my heart such as mental health and sustainability.
I’ll be honest: before I went freelance, I lost interest in my job. I felt like I was churning out words that didn’t resonate with me or my values. I knew something had to change; my passion for writing never wavered, but the kind of work I was doing lacked purpose at times.
I realised that I wanted to craft stories on causes I believe in and that I am passionate about. I wanted these stories to inspire others in some way, and to bring awareness to issues that matter and need to be heard about.
The answer to what my niche should be was fairly obvious, so when I struck it out alone I decided to focus on working with businesses that care about people – the people who work for them, the people who support them, and the people in the wider communities that they serve.
I now work as a freelance copywriter, concentrating on helping social businesses to connect with the people who matter to them. I’m also a freelance features writer, again focusing on writing about causes and topics that are close to my heart, such as social entrepreneurship, mental health, sustainable travel, and women’s empowerment among others.
I have extensive experience in writing for museums and exhibitions, as well as bid proposals and other forms of communications for INGOs.
Click here to see samples of my work.
To contact me for a free 15-minute consultation, click here.